Saturday, June 27, 2009

I am driven to help implement change

There is no way to alter my feelings but to get America and the world to reject Monsanto and the Pharmaceuticals trying to alter nature and man for profit and not overall healthy benefit. We and the world that we are a part of, all of it is being manipulated into an artificially supported existence.

Think of your beautiful son's or daughter's children and know they will only be able to stay alive if they take the drugs.

Right now it is happening to our food chain wholesale. It is not a question. It is only to muster enough strength to combat it. It is truly the war of the world. It is the final battle if it is lost.

The World According to Monsanto Every documentary on this site is clear and supported. What Monsanto is doing to the food chain through genetics and chemicals like Roundup; bringing produce entirely under its control, is what is happening to people and fostered through the FDA,WHO and every government agency world wide. Monsanto completes this picture by buying up all other seed companies, Natural Health companies that can be bought or coerced into their fold.

The tactic is simple Greed brings the Ally. Money.

If you examine a few of these documentaries including A chilling story of how Monsanto killed a Fox major documentary about Bovine Cow Hormone made by Monsaanto.

How can we regain possession of our lives and the world we live in. Is it possible?
Everyone knows this truth in about an hour of watching You Tube. No one to date who is really heard in the world is leading a concerted opposition in every country of the world. No one. No Religious leader, no country leader, not even any opposition parties.
We the people and we the land are not represented at the table. Scientists know and cannot gain enough force to lead us. We must lead ourselves. Each of us. Our lives depend on it. We must start an army. A Planetary Army. I know that everywhere we have forces amongst the people. The Planetary Party must be formed in every country with this as its major plank. We have a mountain of work to do but that is the way.

I know it.

I wonder if I can make this idea into a reality. I must begin and soon we will have our army forming around the world. If you want to join me then make a comment and sign up to get this blog when I write in it.

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