Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dana Ullman on the Flu

Dana is found at He has books and remedies and it a very knowledgeable man who does what he can to foster Homeopathy world wide. I trust his judgment.

What the media will not tell you about the flu...

" The fear-mongering that the media is perpetuating is great television, and it sells a lot more newspapers as fear hooks people into watching and reading whatever news they can. This fear-mongering is even better for the drug companies. In 2002, the ten largest drug companies in the Fortune 500 made more profit than the remaining 490 companies combined! THIS is why we see so many TV advertisements for drugs. These companies make so much profit that they benefit big time from the fear of the flu (or any disease) that gets big media.

The media seem sympathetic to others' suffering, and they try to give people advice on how to avoid the flu or how to treat it, but as yet, I have not seen one story on what may be the BEST ADVICE one can give to people who have the flu (or even a fever). This advice is: do not take aspirin or other conventional drugs to lower your fever, and do not take any antibiotics. We all know that antibiotics are not effective for the flu because it is the result of a viral infection, not a bacterial infection. However, too few people know the real dangers of taking aspirin or any other conventional drugs that lower fever.

According to basic books on pathology, fever is a vital defense of the body. Fever is an important way that the body fights infection. By taking drugs that lower the fever, a person's defenses are less able to fight infection, thereby leading to various neurological damage or even death.

The media and the general public have NO sense of the problems of "symptom suppression." IF you have any respect for the "wisdom of the body," one should avoid suppressing symptoms whenever possible.

One can and should also consider homeopathic medicines, whether they be Oscillococcinum in the treatment of the flu or a protocol of Influenzinum 9C to avoid it."

Oscillococcinum can be bought generically as anas barbariae 200C. I have this remedy in my Hollywood Survival Kit and it works quickly and even if you are slow to take it the first time it will help the flu pass faster.

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