Thursday, January 14, 2010

A mother who cares.

This lady, Nonie De Long who I know,has been through several years of fighting to get the proper attention for her son and in the end has prevailed to a good outcome. She realizes fully that the current trend of our doctors with the support of School Boards and Governments is to medicate at the first signs of dysfunction in school children. The case below is a current battle. Read it and if compelled please get in touch with her as to how you can help.

Hello Friends and Fellow Activists,

Happy New Year!

I am sending you a link to a letter from the school board (posted on my blog) which threatens a Toronto family to remove their child from their care if he is not medicated. The child was recently diagnosed ADHD because staff feel he is not complying and performing well in school. The father has adamantly refused pharmaceuticals as a first treatment option and is actively investigating natural treatment options. He questions the ADHD diagnosis. He has been educating himself and has contacted a renowned Toronto physician (Dr. Zoltan Rona) who has turned to natural treatments as his primary prescription. As you may know, my own son was removed from my care when I refused the prescribed pharmaceutical and residential treatment options for his 'mental illness' - a diagnosis that changed because he became so well after I treated him with natural treatments (food elimination and vitamins). I fought and had him returned, but the events traumatized both of us.

You may not know that the American Food and Drug Administration classes Ritalin as a Schedule II substance - the same type of stimulant as cocaine, morphine, and opium, but recognized to be more addictive. The World Health Organization and the U.N. International Control Board have issued two official warnings about the drug and the growing dependence - particularly in America - to it. Some European countries have banned it. Many doctors are now recommending that pharmaceutical treatment for children should not be the first treatment option. Some children die from long term use of Ritalin, and there are a host of other long term side effects. Ritalin and SSRI antidepressants have been linked conclusively to acts of violence in children and teens:

* Shawn Cooper, a 15-year-old sophomore at Notus Junior-Senior High School in Notus, Idaho, fired a shotgun at his fellow students in April. Cooper was on Ritalin.
* Thomas Solomon, a 15-year-old at Heritage High School in Conyers, Georgia, shot and wounded six classmates in May. Solomon was on Ritalin.
* Kip Kinkel, a 15-year-old at Thurston High School in Springfield, Oregon, killed his parents and two classmates and wounded 22 other students last year. Kinkel was on Ritalin and Prozac, an anti-depressant.
* Eric Harris, one of the Columbine High School killers, was on the anti-depressant drug Luvox.
* Rod Matthews, 14, beat a classmate to death with a baseball bat in 1986 in Canton, Massachusetts. Matthews had been on Ritalin since the third grade.

Please go to my blog with the link below and read the article and SHARE IT WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW. I would like to generate some public support for this family. After reading the letter, if you are inclined to support the family with a letter, please direct it to my e mail with your name and address. It should be addressed to the Toronto School Board. I am keeping the family anonymous at this time, but I can tell you this is not a unique situation. Unfortunately, it has become very common. Please reach out to show support for this family and their right to choose the treatment they feel is safest and most effective for their child. You will also be sending a message to the public school system about community intolerance for bullying tactics like these to force parents into treatment options they do not feel safe implementing. If you are unconvinced that Ritalin and mind altering pharmaceuticals are unsafe and indiscriminately used, I would be happy to share my own personal story with you.

Thank you in advance for your support for this important cause!

Go to the blog by clicking here:

Nonie De Long

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