Friday, April 16, 2010

Sites worth reading.

Canadians for Health Freedom.

For Canadians this is a must site. It will keep you abreast of what is happening through efforts by our present government to limit the rights of freedom of choice with regards to health care. The reporting about bill C6 is clear as to how dangerous the bill is to all Canadians. They also are doing excellent reporting on the EU probe into the Pandemic of last year and the allegations that it was rigged. The information is startling.

Homeopathy Heals

This site is following the pharmaceutical? Natural Health care fight in Britain where vasts amounts of money are going to groups to fight Homeopathy and the health care system that allows other kinds of healing to be officially recognized and paid for inside the system. It contains as well many fine articles about Homeopathy, including understanding how it works and its great successful history.

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